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Puzzle Page Daily Wordy (September 29 2023) Answer

Hello, my friends. You are here because you are looking to find Today's Puzzle Page Daily Wordy answer for (September 29 2023). Wordy is a brand-new daily puzzle game that can be found on Puzzle Page Daily games and it can be downloaded both on Android and iOS devices. Below you can find the answer for (September 29 2023), in case something is wrong or you find a mistake, please don't hesitate to contact us, we will be more than happy to help you.

HINT: Use the given hints below and try to guess the word before revealing the correct answer.

1. The first letter of the answer is: R


2. The last letter of the answer is: Y


3. There are 2 vowels in the hidden word:





Prepared for what one is about to do or experience; equipped or supplied with what is needed for some act or event; prepared for immediate movement or action; as, the troops are ready to march; ready for the journey.
Fitted or arranged for immediate use; causing no delay for lack of being prepared or furnished.
Prepared in mind or disposition; not reluctant; willing; free; inclined; disposed.
Not slow or hesitating; quick in action or perception of any kind; dexterous; prompt; easy; expert; as, a ready apprehension; ready wit; a ready writer or workman.
Offering itself at once; at hand; opportune; convenient; near; easy.
On the point; about; on the brink; near; -- with a following infinitive.
A word of command, or a position, in the manual of arms, at which the piece is cocked and held in position to execute promptly the next command, which is, aim.
In a state of preparation for immediate action; so as to need no delay.
Ready money; cash; -- commonly with the; as, he was well supplied with the ready.
To dispose in order.

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