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Contexto Answer for Today (December 11 2024)

Hello everyone. You are here because you are looking to find Today's Contexto answer for (December 11 2024). Contexto is a daily word game and you can play it online at All you need to do is to find the secret word, the words were sorted by an artificial intelligence algorithm according to how similar they were to the secret word. After submitting a word, you will see its position. The secret word is number 1. Below you can find the answer for (December 11 2024), in case something is wrong or you find a mistake, please don't hesitate to contact us, we will be more than happy to help you.

HINT: Use the given hints below and try to guess the word before revealing the correct answer.

1. The first letter of the answer is: V


2. The last letter of the answer is: E


3. There are 3 vowels in the hidden word:





Sound uttered by the mouth, especially that uttered by human beings in speech or song; sound thus uttered considered as possessing some special quality or character; as, the human voice; a pleasant voice; a low voice.
Sound of the kind or quality heard in speech or song in the consonants b, v, d, etc., and in the vowels; sonant, or intonated, utterance; tone; -- distinguished from mere breath sound as heard in f, s, sh, etc., and also whisper.
The tone or sound emitted by anything.
The faculty or power of utterance; as, to cultivate the voice.
Language; words; speech; expression; signification of feeling or opinion.
Opinion or choice expressed; judgment; a vote.
Command; precept; -- now chiefly used in scriptural language.
One who speaks; a speaker.
A particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbs, or a particular form of a verb, by means of which is indicated the relation of the subject of the verb to the action which the verb expresses.
To give utterance or expression to; to utter; to publish; to announce; to divulge; as, to voice the sentiments of the nation.
To utter with sonant or vocal tone; to pronounce with a narrowed glottis and rapid vibrations of the vocal cords; to speak above a whisper.
To fit for producing the proper sounds; to regulate the tone of; as, to voice the pipes of an organ.
To vote; to elect; to appoint.
To clamor; to cry out.

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