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Wizarding Wordle Answer for Today (October 8 2023)

You are here because probably you are searching for Today's Wizarding Wordle answer for (October 8 2023). If you are interested to play the game you can visit You can visit our website every single day to find out the answer and solution to your Daily Wizarding Wordle Puzzle. Below you can find the answer for (October 8 2023), in case something is wrong or you find a mistake, please don't hesitate to contact us, we will be more than happy to help you.

HINT: Use the given hints below and try to guess the word before revealing the correct answer.

1. The first letter of the answer is: S


2. The last letter of the answer is: E


3. There are 2 vowels in the hidden word:





To use frugally or stintingly, as that which is scarce or valuable; to retain or keep unused; to save.
To keep to one's self; to forbear to impart or give.
To preserve from danger or punishment; to forbear to punish, injure, or harm; to show mercy to.
To save or gain, as by frugality; to reserve, as from some occupation, use, or duty.
To deprive one's self of, as by being frugal; to do without; to dispense with; to give up; to part with.
To be frugal; not to be profuse; to live frugally; to be parsimonious.
To refrain from inflicting harm; to use mercy or forbearance.
To desist; to stop; to refrain.
Scanty; not abundant or plentiful; as, a spare diet.
Sparing; frugal; parsimonious; chary.
Being over and above what is necessary, or what must be used or reserved; not wanted, or not used; superfluous; as, I have no spare time.
Held in reserve, to be used in an emergency; as, a spare anchor; a spare bed or room.
Lean; wanting flesh; meager; thin; gaunt.
The act of sparing; moderation; restraint.
Parsimony; frugal use.
An opening in a petticoat or gown; a placket.
That which has not been used or expended.
The right of bowling again at a full set of pins, after having knocked all the pins down in less than three bowls. If all the pins are knocked down in one bowl it is a double spare; in two bowls, a single spare.

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